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ISHA Foundation Offers Yoga Programs for Inner Transformation & Personal Growth.Program components include guided meditations and transmission of the sacred Shambhavi
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Inner Engineering is a technology for well-being derived from the science of Yoga. It is offered as a comprehensive course for personal growth that brings about a shift in the way you perceive and experience your life, your work, and the world that you live in.
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Isha Foundation is a non-profit spiritual organization founded & guided by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. It focuses on human empowerment and social revitalization through yoga & meditation programs to attain spiritual wellbeing.
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The mission of Religious Affections Ministries is to help Christians conserve and nourish historic, biblical Christianity by clearly articulating the teachings of the Bible concerning truth, goodness, beauty, and rightly ordered affections in life and ministry.
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Home | North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
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Startseite - Neuapostolische Kirche Nord- und Ostdeutschland.
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Beltsville SDA Church is a local church with multiple sites. We welcome all who want to come and learn with us, be involved in our community and enjoy time with others and with God.
Beltsvillesda alternatives In samenwerking met de PKN kan iedere kerkelijke gemeente zich zonder enige technische kennis op het internet presenteren.
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St. Benedict Parish & School - Holmdel, NJ.
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