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Max-Planck-Informationssystem für Strafrechtsvergleichung.
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«Библиотека Рабиновича» – это книги, созданные, собранные и переведенные при участии народного депутата Украины, сопредседателя политической партии «Оппозиционная платформа – За життя», президента Всеукраинского еврейского конгресса Вадима Рабиновича.
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Office of Congressional Workplace Rights |.
Compliance alternatives
Check out our article about Birmingham City FC and learn interesting facts about the history of the club, their greatest rivals, the current squad and more.
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Chickens used by McDonald’s are among the most abused animals on the planet. This cruelty must end. Take action now!
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Trabajamos para el fortalecimiento del Sistema de Justicia Federal y de los DDHH. Impulsamos acciones para el Acceso a la Justicia de los sectores más vulnerables. Acompañamos a las víctimas de delitos, promovemos políticas contra la Trata de Personas y las Violencias de Género.
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Coming Soon.
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David Shoebridge.
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OMNIBUS für direkte Demokratie gGmbH.
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ministryoftofu.coms global ranking is 0.
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Welcome To MoNPD.
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JKCCS is a federation of human rights organisations and individuals working in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir.
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Official web site of Matt Miller
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OVC, a part of the U.S. Department of Justice, oversees programs and grants for service providers and other professionals who assist victims of crime.
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Telemedicus - Recht der Informationsgesellschaft.
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Prefeitura Municipal da Estância de Socorro – Página da Prefeitura Municipal da Estância de Socorro (SP), pertencente ao Circuito das Águas Paulista.
Socorro alternatives
Anti-drone alternatives
Brady is uniting Americans against gun violence. We invite everyone who wants to end our epidemic of gun violence to take action, not sides.
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Truth Wins Out | Fighting antigay lies and the ex-gay myth.
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Space Politics.
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Santa Monica Police Department .
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Latest news and information about Defense Department-related IT, C4ISR, weapons systems, programs, contracts and procurement.
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Political Data from PDYi | Elections, governments and ministries .
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By Eric Reeves
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AMBER Alerts instantly galvanize communities to assist in the search for and the safe recovery of an endangered missing or abducted child. Through this official repository of AMBER Alert information, learn about the program including the National AMBER Alert Coordinator, guidelines for issuing Alerts, legislation, state contacts, and information and resources to support the AMBER Alert program.
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Context sensitive solutions (CSS) is a collaborative between companies & data suppliers for the correct application of complicated CSS & data.
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Home - British Virgin Islands London Office.
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Formosa alternatives
Portal PJF - Site oficial da Prefeitura de Juiz de Fora - MG | Juiz de Fora é uma das cidades brasileiras com melhores índices de qualidade de vida. Com cerca de 500 mil habitantes, o município ocupa lugar de destaque em Minas em qualidade de vida e investimentos. Juiz de Fora também se destaca no ranking de desenvolvimento humano da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU).
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Boundary Commission for England | The Commission is required by the Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986 to review the Parliamentary constituencies in England every five years.
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Welcome to WCA, the World Coal Association. Read more for info on coal, the environment, sustainable development, industry news and facts, and information on WCA membership
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HOME - Prefeitura do Jaboatão dos Guararapes.
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Prefeitura de São Luís
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An Independent Community Of Information, Education And Action
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Independent politics news from credible sources
Allpoliticsnow alternatives
Bem-vindo ao, a fonte oficial de informações sobre a cidade de Limeira. Encontre tudo sobre a cidade: informações básicas, as principais atrações e o nosso calendário anual de eventos.
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Portal da Prefeitura - Prefeitura de Sorocaba.
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Информационный сайт Народного Демократического Движения Туркменистана
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Uma conta. Todos os serviços do Estado do Espírito Santo.
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Communities Association of Armenia
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Portal da Prefeitura de Sobral
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Belem alternatives
Der Landesbeirat für das Kommunikationswesen ist ein sechsköpfiges, unabhängiges Garantiegremium des Medienwesens auf lokaler Ebene.
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Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: Former President of India.
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